The Body Clinic at The Orangery has harnessed the French secret to a youthful slim physique.
This state of the art technology is called LPG Endermology Lipomassage. Over the last 30 years this treatment has evolved from simple suction and rolling to a range of suction and rolling techniques which include Sculpting, Slimming, Firming and Draining with up to 16hz of vibration. This treatment successfully slims down the body and reduces cellulite. The before and after photos show remarkable results in 4–14 treatments. Victoria suggests starting with a package of 6-12 treatments taken weekly, followed by a maintenance programme of monthly treatments.
LPG Endermology is the equivalent of having a facial, but for the body. Beauty is about maintenance and these wonderful treatments not only slim and tone your body but they also help relieve water retention by boosting lymph drainage. The treatment has a stimulating effect on the body’s natural healing process, activating the collagen, elastin and fibroblasts within the skin. This treatment is also widely used by athletes to help relieve deep onset muscle soreness after intense training as it massages the muscles and reduces inflammation due to water retention.

remarkable results in 4-14 weeks
Lipomassage is ideal for those dieting, losing weight or undergoing medical weight loss, as the skin tightening effects help reduce the risk of sagging crepey skin. With the festive party season approaching, Lipomassage could be the perfect answer to getting into that little black dress and it is certainly the answer to getting back into your jeans after Christmas. The treatment process consists of wearing a white body stocking to protect the skin from pinching, then relaxing on the couch while the machine gently massages your body. The sensation is that of a deep tissue massage. Within each session you will have a total body treatment, with added focus on problem areas. Book in for a short intense course of treatments before a holiday or big event, or alternatively commit to regular sessions throughout the year as a method of body maintenance.
You are invited to book in with Victoria for a free consultation where you can discuss your body concerns and your health and lifestyle. LPG Endermology is 100% safe with no downtime and little to no contraindications. This is a universal treatment for obtaining a smoother, more youthful physique.
Victoria Rawlinson, The Body Clinic, The Orangery Clinic, No. 1 Argyle Street, Bath
Visit to see the full range of treatments. When booking mention The Bath Magazine to get a discount of £50 off a course.