Beau Nash: Patina or Damage?

Cynthia Wihardja and Ron Pringle

When shopping for antiques, it’s essential to understand the difference between genuine patina and actual damage. The term “patina” is often used by sellers to describe the natural aging process that adds character to a piece. However, in some cases, it’s a euphemism for significant damage. This is especially concerning in today’s online shopping environment, where buyers frequently can’t inspect items in person before making a purchase.

Case in point: Ron purchased a silver salver through an online auction, trusting the condition report, which described the piece as being in “good nick.” However, when it arrived, he discovered that the silver was buckled, and the surface was scratched—none of these flaws were visible in the single photo provided. Now, to make the piece presentable for resale, he must invest in repairs, including restoring the surface and hammering out the dents.

Unfortunately, this type of experience isn’t uncommon. Professional product photography may not capture the real story or, in some cases, make items look far better than they actually are. This is why it’s so important for buyers to be vigilant, asking for detailed descriptions and additional images before committing to a purchase.

At our shop, we take a different approach. We ensure that every piece we sell is ready for retail. For example, we often bring in antique boxes and restore their interiors so they’re not only visually appealing but also functional for modern use. We work with restorer to revive the look of antique pieces. Our goal is to meet the high standards of quality and authenticity of our clientele.

To help our online buyers make informed decisions, we offer an extra service—a WhatsApp video call. This allows potential buyers to take a live, virtual tour of the piece they’re interested in. They can ask questions, see the item from various angles, and observe it being handled. Recently, an American couple interested in a coffee table found this service incredibly useful,

as it gave them the confidence to make a purchase without visiting the shop in person. They appreciated the opportunity to scrutinize the piece closely, even from a distance. When they received the product, they were very happy.

While technology can be used to hide a piece’s flaws, we use it to enhance transparency. Our focus is on transparency and customer satisfaction, so you can shop with confidence, no matter where you are.;;
01225 334234; Instagram @beaunashbath