When in Bath, iconic architecture and landscapes are round every corner. What better way to make the wedding of your dreams than to tap into the city’s picture perfect potential?
We go behind the scenes at The Royal Crescent Hotel as the team re-create the ceremony, the atmosphere and the emotion of nuptials that will mark the time and the place forever. Photography by Betty Bhandari

Photographer: Betty Bhandari @bettybhandariweddings
Models: @sophieemlamb @alexsotaya
Makeup: Harriet Gallon: @harrietgallon.muah; info@harrietgallon.com
Hair: Perry Carson: @perryhair; perrycarson@icloud.com
Dress: Perfect Day: @perfectdaybride; perfectdaybride@gmail.com
Suit: Suave Owl: @suaveowl; info@suaveowl.co.uk
Flowers: Edward Allen Flowers: @edwardallenflowers; echa100@hotmail.com
Styling: Ambience Venue Styling: @ambiencebathandbristol; bath.holly@ambiencevenuestyling.com
Tableware: Allens Hire: @allens_hire; sales@allenshire.co.uk
Jewellery: Nicholas Wylde: @nicholaswyldegoldsmith; bath@nicholaswylde.com
Car: Abacus Wedding Cars: @abacusweddingcars; info@abacusweddingcars.com
Cake: David Waldren: @cake_architect; info@thecakearchitect.co.uk
Venue: Royal Crescent Hotel: @royalcrescent_hotel; info@royalcrescent.co.uk
With additional thanks to the team at Woodhouse & Law