Get ready for Bath Dragons – a new business competition with a prize worth £20k!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Bath Dragons is a new business competition with a prize worth £20k from Bath’s top business experts.

Bath Dragons is a new business support initiative with a twist, set up and funded by a top team of experts from some of the area’s highest profile business services companies: accountants and tax advisers Richardson Swift, lawyers Mogers Drewett, business finance experts South West Business Finance (SWBF) and The Business Exchange Magazine (TBE). 

Aimed at businesses that are ready to grow, Bath Dragons offers companies a shot at winning an unrivalled package of business support, including 12 months of access to legal, financial, accountancy, and tax advisory services as well as a publicity package and PR advice.  

But to be chosen they will have to go through a gruelling process of interviews and have their development plans picked over by some of Bath’s toughest business experts, the ‘Dragons.’ 


The panel of Dragons will be made up of Richardson Swift managing director Debbie Boulton, Corporate and Commercial Partner at Mogers Drewett Tom Webb, co-founder of South West Business Finance Dan Smith and founder of The Business Exchange Magazine Anita Jaynes. 

Only 12 entrants will be taken forward to meet the Dragons, in a series of Radio Bath weekly special programmes. The companies’ owners or senior managers can expect to be grilled about their business and their plans in a series of 15-minute interviews. 

The competition will culminate in a live final, where four finalists will have to present their ideas and face questioning in front of an invited audience of their peers, business leaders and enterprise specialists from Invest In Banes, Bath BID, and Bath Spa University Business School and University of Bath School of Management, among others. 

Ultimately, the winner will be decided by an audience vote at the end of the final, and then the hard work begins… 


Bath Dragons is aimed at established businesses entering the growth phase.
It is open to registered companies, based in BANES or with in a ten-mile radius of Bath city centre.  
They must have been trading for over 2 years and must have a solid plan for developing the business that they can demonstrate.  

Submissions are required by the end of March 2025.

Entries are via the online form here. | | |