Bath Chiro: the unique approach to pain and wellbeing

Words by Rosie and Alistair Bath Chiro

People often let out a soft sigh as they start to explain the various tests and diagnoses which have been given to them over the years; you can feel the frustration and despair in the room…

These range from diagnoses such as Osteoarthritis (or ‘crumbly discs’ known to the older generation), migraines, fibromyalgia, disc prolapses and so on. The initial relief of finding out “what is wrong” is quickly dampened when it is followed up with “and there is nothing we can do about it” – this is both disheartening and disempowering to say the least.

Our approach is different.
We do of course work under a chiropractic diagnosis, a description of what physical condition the spinal column is in, which acts to focus our care on what manipulation/ adjustments to deliver. But instead of providing treatment to solely alleviate the symptoms, our care addresses what is physically present in that person.

What do Chiropractors check for?
The physical tension around the spinal nerves and spinal cord is caused by the spinal segments, torsion of the pelvis and restrictions in the cranium, and each can be felt, tested, and rechecked by an experienced Chiropractor. These physical findings have an impact on the way we feel, move, and function, and ultimately impact the way our body copes with any health condition or diagnosis. This is due to the impact these bony structures have on the function of the nervous system. It is these physically present and real findings that monitor and guide us in the care we deliver.

Working this way allows us to provide consistent and effective chiropractic care – after all, when guided by pain alone, there will always be a moving goal post or an evolving target!

The pathway to restorative and true improvements in pain levels and function includes time, consistency, appropriate intensity of care, trust in one’s body and a little bit of belief that one can change and get better… All factors we understand and consider in our care recommendations. In an age of quick results and distractions, dedicating time to our own health can feel like a reach… but it is the only way we can flip “there is nothing that we can do” to “there is something you can do, and we can help.”