Antiques are Green

Cynthia Wihardja | Partner, Beau Nash Bath

Despite fast-paced consumerism, there has been a resurgence of interest in antiques in recent years, not only for their historical value but also for their positive impact on the environment.

The mahogany used to make a chest of drawers came across the Atlantic by wind, was picked up by horse and cart, and taken to the cabinet maker to make a piece which is still in use 300 years later. Clearly, embracing antiques is not just about preserving our heritage but also about making sustainable choices in a throwaway culture.

Antiques are durable. Unlike mass-produced items, antiques were made to last for generations and made with a level of craftsmanship that is often lacking in today’s disposable goods. By investing in antiques, we can contribute to the depletion of natural resources and the generation of waste.

Antiques promote recycling. The energy consumption and carbon emissions involved in producing and transporting new items are staggering. Choosing to buy antiques means recycling and reusing resources already in circulation, promoting a circular economy.
Antiques connect us to our heritage. Each antique piece tell a story of time and history. By cherishing and passing down these artefacts, we cultivate a sense of appreciation for the wisdom of past generations.

Buying antiques can bring financial incentives. The cost of many modern products has risen while their durability has not. Replacing furniture every few years can prove costly. Many people including the young generation now realise that antiques are “forever pieces” and favour them over modern options.

Embracing antiques is not only a tribute to our ancestors but also a responsible step towards a more sustainable future. Let’s celebrate the charm of antiques while preserving the planet for generations to come. | | 01225 334234 | Instagram: @beaunashbath